Angelina R. LaRocca, CPA

Family Office Senior Accountant

Angelina R. LaRocca

Ms. Angelina LaRocca is a senior accountant in Certuity’s Family Office practice and is responsible for maintaining the bookkeeping for Certuity’s Family Office clients, including maintaining the integrity of the general ledger, reconciling accounts, producing financial reports and ensuring the accuracy of retirement accounts and investment schedules.

Prior to joining Certuity, Ms. LaRocca spent the first seven years of her career in corporate accounting, where she was Assistant Controller at a large organization headquartered in Florida. Ms. LaRocca also spent time at a Florida-based accounting firm, where she served as Accounting Clerk and Tax Preparer.

Ms. LaRocca earned a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from the Florida Atlantic University and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification.

Angelina R. LaRocca